Can you be generous?


Welcome to our daily challenge! Wait! Don’t go away!! Read here to get caught up on what’s going on. (And  coming in in the middle is totally cool.)

Day: 13

Objective: donate/trash/gift/sell thirteen objects.

Definition of “money”: The opposite of possessions. The more possessions you have, the less money you have and vice versa.

Reason: When you finally make it big and become a Harlem Globe Trotter you will need to be able to travel light. Find out the bare minimum that you need so you’re ready to get up and go at a moment’s notice. You don’t want to miss your big chance!

Suggestion: Here’s a fun exercise. Pretend your friend comes over and tells you that her brother/sister is getting back on his/her feet after a bout with addiction. He/she has high hopes of pulling themselves together but needs to start by getting a job. He/she has one lined up but doesn’t have a good business wardrobe and he/she just happens to be your size!

Go to your closet and flex your generosity muscles.

Now the overall objective is to pare down things so, since this is only an exercise, don’t pull anything that you will actually have to pay to replace (don’t pull the one pair of black slacks you have.) In real life I’m all for giving until it hurts but right now we’re just practicing in order to lighten the load.

Most people have clothes in their closet that are nice but they never actually wear (I had a black blazer that seemed great to have around but I never ended up wearing it. May as well let someone else use it!) Those are the ones we’re after today. Believe me, there’s someone walking into your local thrift store soon trying to get back on their feet and they are exactly your size.

5 thoughts on “Can you be generous?

  1. Yo' Mama

    This is going to be the hardest one for me. I have a sinful amount of clothing that I am sure I will wear ‘someday.’ I’ll be tackling this one later this evening. Please pray that I will be as generous as He wants me to be. Thanks.


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