Do you know what happens when you die…you know…to your stuff?


Bedroom with outdated music playersWe want to live simply around here. (Note: We want to live simply. Oftentimes the natural urge to collect kicks in and we end up with a shoebox full of junk that we’ll never use from that yard sale or whatnot.)

There are several reasons for this and so welcome to the first installment of the decluttering series! Let me take you through the thought processes we have around here.

It’s only the second real post and I’m already realizing I missed a main category. We do want to live a simple life, free of clutter. Not many people think this way. Just call us Simply Screwy.

First, let’s start at the end…of life:

You can’t take it with you. Really. It’s not just a cliché. Who has ever had a parent die and has had the burden, yes BURDEN, of going through all the stuff? I have never heard of a family member enjoying dealing with all the things left behind, except once and I’ll get to that. But first, what do you think of when you think of when you think of the after-the-death-of-a-parent stuff ritual?

I think of stress. I think of grief mixed with burden and often lots of it. Have you also heard the stories about the dumpsters or the estate sales or missing items? It can easily lead to angry accusations or even lawyers!

Now these may just be the exceptions but from what I’ve seen: more stuff = more burden.

I read of one lady who was so blessed when her mom died to find one trunk only worth of possessions (the mom had been in a nursing home, I believe.) Inside was just some basic clothes and the special things that really mattered to her mom. Each item she pulled out had meaning and a place. Can you imagine how nice that would actually be? It would be soothing. It would bring fond memories. It would be simple.

I wanna be like that, as close as I can be, for my kids. Even if I kick the bucket tomorrow, I don’t want my stuff to lead to a “what do we do with all this junk” moment. Everything we have will have to go somewhere else once we die. Why not limit that stress as much as possible? Instead of someone else worrying about it tomorrow, I will take care of it today.

5 thoughts on “Do you know what happens when you die…you know…to your stuff?

    • Right! If I can live simpler today, and make it natural, my kids won’t have to struggle with having to deal with quite so much when we pass. And yes, the same goes for our financial situation. Sometimes when we think of others we are more prone to make corrections. Sure, it sucks for us to have to deal with poor choices but our family should not have to deal with it when we are done dealing with it.


  1. It’s human nature to collect junk. That’s the reality. No matter how much you strive to live on items that are only needed, inevitably after decades of a lifetime we are left with clutter and junk that others will have to sift through at our demise. It is so true that this fact of life is a burden and while some pleasant memories might be resurrected by going through all the junk it’s still a hassle. Thanks for sharing.


    • Yes, sadly, even though most don’t even begin to fully enjoy all of their stuff now, it will be even more of a burden to those after us.

      I mean to keep them in mind a little more when that human nature prompts me to collect more and more.


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